Here's an addon pack I made for Amnesia of candles, lamps, torches, chandeliers, and lanterns. (including movable candlesticks!) It is composed of 23 colors: Lavender, Dark Purple, Cool Purple, Magenta, Hot Pink, Light Pink, Lightest Pink, Pure Yellow, Light Yellow, Lightest Yellow, Orange, Pure Red, Half Red, Pure Blue, Baby Blue, Cerulean Blue, Turquoise, Dark Turquoise, Pure Green, Lime Green, Neon Green, Mint Green, and White. I wanted to make black but the HPL2 engine recognizes the black color value as transparent (nothing) instead of actual black. It really pissed me off. My development buddy Umbakarna taught me how to change light colors in the model editor which inspired me to make a pack of many colors of candles, torches, lanterns, and chandeliers. All of the orange ones (except for 3 and the velero) were made by my friend Kiraimmortal. The candlestick02movable was made by TheScratchofLP and the velero was made by xAmn (thanks for accepting my friend request btw :D). Sorry that I didn't first ask for your permission to use it, I thought it would be okay to use it since it has a public domain license (pretty much the same as creative commons for this addon pack). The veleros especially turned out beautiful, but i'm very pleased with nearly all of them. I wanted to make the Carrytorch too but it had 4 point lights (which would have been overkill for me) and some of the colors would have looked ugly on it (such as lightest pink and yellow). Perhaps sometime i'll make my own candle model (or a few) and add them to this pack in the further future. It was both fun and boring to make this pack but I don't have any regrets, i'd love to see people use some of these in their stories (or at least enjoy them). They are very beautiful and I highly recommend at least downloading them and viewing them in the modelview or modeleditor if you don't use them in the leveleditor. They look amazing in-game and as far as I know they all work just fine. If you use these in your custom story, no crediting me for them is necessary and you may edit these as you want. My request (not demand) is if you do use them in your story, i'd appreciate it if you'd link me to your story when it's finished so I can see and admire how you used my lights. My personal favorite color of this pack is Turquoise. I'd really appreciate comments and votes on this if you'd like to leave any, but just downloading it is a big enough reward by itself. Please use and enjoy. -Kyle G